
Standard Ventilation Measures Report

School boards are optimizing air quality in schools through improved ventilation and filtration.

Implemented measures are dependent on the type of ventilation and feasibility within the context of school facilities and related building systems.

This is a key element in the multiple protective strategies being employed to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission and support healthier and safe learning environments for students and staff.
School Board Ventilation Strategy | SNCDSB

Board Ventilation Strategy

School Board Ventilation Profile.pdf

  • Bring all our systems to meet ASHRAE 62.1 guidelines which increases our fresh air supply to all classrooms.
  • Ultraviolet light air purifying for all our air handling systems which removes all pathogens from the air stream.
  • Upgrade all filters to Merv13 or better which increases the effectiveness of filtration in the air stream.
  • Running ventilation systems longer during the school day which ensures sufficient fresh air is coming into the school. 

Measures to Help Reduce Transmission Risk in Indoor Settings

Ventilation: Increasing the flow of outdoor/fresh air for diluting the concentration of any infectious particles.

Filtration: Involves the use of different types of fibrous media designed to remove particles from the airstream.

Board Level Investments

School Board Wide Investments.pdf


Ventilation Funding: $2.0 million.

Note: This includes spending from dedicated ventilation programs, federal-provincial funding, provincial renewal funding and supplemental funding from other board sources.

  • Ventilation projects completed: 22.
  • Schools receiving an investment, which is of 100% total schools in the board: 10.
  • Standalone HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filter units deployed: 102.

2022-2023 School Year

Ventilation Funding: $0.4 million.
Ventilation projects in progress or planned: 3.
School to receive an investment, which of total schools in the board: 20%.

2023-2024 School Year

Ventilation Funding: $0.3 million.
Ventilation projects in progress or planned: 3.
School to receive an investment, which of total schools in the board: 33%.
Standalone HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filter units deployed: 101.

Individual School Ventilation Profiles

Catholic Education Centre

Ventilation System: Mechanical ventilation.

School Ventilation and Filtration Measures*

  • Ventilation assessed: Yes.
  • Running ventilation systems longer: Yes.
  • Higher grade filters installed: Yes
  • Increased frequency of filter changes: Yes
  • Increased fresh air intake (windows and/or mechanical ventilation systems): Yes.
  • Standalone HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filter units deployed in portables, as needed: Not applicable.
  • Standalone HEPA filter units in place: 1.

Catholic Education Centre Ventilation Measures Report.pdf

Holy Angels

Ventilation System: Mechanical ventilation.

School Ventilation and Filtration Measures*

  • Ventilation assessed: Yes.
  • Running ventilation systems longer: Yes.
  • Higher grade filters installed: Yes
  • Increased frequency of filter changes: Yes
  • Increased fresh air intake (windows and/or mechanical ventilation systems): Yes.
  • Standalone HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filter units deployed in portables, as needed: Not applicable.
  • Standalone HEPA filter units in place: 13.

Holy Angels Catholic School Ventilation Measures Report.pdf

Holy Saviour (part lease to DSB #62)

Ventilation System: Mechanical ventilation.

School Ventilation and Filtration Measures*

  • Ventilation assessed: Yes.
  • Running ventilation systems longer: Yes.
  • Higher grade filters installed: Yes
  • Increased frequency of filter changes: Yes
  • Increased fresh air intake (windows and/or mechanical ventilation systems): Yes.
  • Standalone HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filter units deployed in portables, as needed: Not Applicable.
  • Standalone HEPA filter units in place: 12.

Holy Saviour Catholic School Ventilation Measures Report.pdf

Our Lady of Fatima (part perpetual Lease to DSB #62)

Ventilation System: Mechanical ventilation.

School Ventilation and Filtration Measures*

  • Ventilation assessed: Yes.
  • Running ventilation systems longer: Yes.
  • Higher grade filters installed: Yes
  • Increased frequency of filter changes: Yes
  • Increased fresh air intake (windows and/or mechanical ventilation systems): Yes.
  • Standalone HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filter units deployed in portables, as needed: Not Applicable.
  • Standalone HEPA filter units in place: 12.

Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School Ventilation Measures Report.pdf

Our Lady of Lourdes

Ventilation System: Mechanical ventilation.

School Ventilation and Filtration Measures*

  • Ventilation assessed: Yes.
  • Running ventilation systems longer: Yes.
  • Higher grade filters installed: Yes
  • Increased frequency of filter changes: Yes
  • Increased fresh air intake (windows and/or mechanical ventilation systems): Yes.
  • Standalone HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filter units deployed in portables, as needed: Not Applicable.
  • Standalone HEPA filter units in place: 2.

Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School Ventilation Measures Report.pdf

St. Edward Catholic School

Ventilation System: Mechanical ventilation.

School Ventilation and Filtration Measures*

  • Ventilation assessed: Yes.
  • Running ventilation systems longer: Yes.
  • Higher grade filters installed: Yes
  • Increased frequency of filter changes: Yes
  • Increased fresh air intake (windows and/or mechanical ventilation systems): Yes.
  • Standalone HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filter units deployed in portables, as needed: Not Applicable.
  • Standalone HEPA filter units in place: 13.

St. Edward Catholic School Ventilation Measures Report.pdf

St. Brigid Catholic School

Ventilation System: Mechanical ventilation.

School Ventilation and Filtration Measures*

  • Ventilation assessed: Yes.
  • Running ventilation systems longer: Yes.
  • Higher grade filters installed: Yes
  • Increased frequency of filter changes: Yes
  • Increased fresh air intake (windows and/or mechanical ventilation systems): Yes.
  • Standalone HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filter units deployed in portables, as needed: Not applicable.
  • Standalone HEPA filter units in place: 5.

St. Brigid Catholic School Ventilation Measures Report.pdf

St. Hilary Catholic School

Ventilation System: Mechanical ventilation.

School Ventilation and Filtration Measures*

  • Ventilation assessed: Yes.
  • Running ventilation systems longer: Yes.
  • Higher grade filters installed: Yes
  • Increased frequency of filter changes: Yes
  • Increased fresh air intake (windows and/or mechanical ventilation systems): Yes.
  • Standalone HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filter units deployed in portables, as needed: Not Applicable.
  • Standalone HEPA filter units in place: 9.

St. Hilary Catholic School Ventilation Measures Report.pdf

St. Joseph Catholic School (part perpetual lease to DSB #62)

Ventilation System: Mechanical ventilation.

School Ventilation and Filtration Measures*

  • Ventilation assessed: Yes.
  • Running ventilation systems longer: Yes.
  • Higher grade filters installed: Yes
  • Increased frequency of filter changes: Yes
  • Increased fresh air intake (windows and/or mechanical ventilation systems): Yes.
  • Standalone HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filter units deployed in portables, as needed: Not Applicable.
  • Standalone HEPA filter units in place: 9.

St. Joseph Catholic School Ventilation Measures Report.pdf

St. Martin Catholic School (part perpetual lease to DSB #62)

Ventilation System: Mechanical ventilation.

School Ventilation and Filtration Measures*

  • Ventilation assessed: Yes.
  • Running ventilation systems longer: Yes.
  • Higher grade filters installed: Yes
  • Increased frequency of filter changes: Yes
  • Increased fresh air intake (windows and/or mechanical ventilation systems): Yes.
  • Standalone HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filter units deployed in portables, as needed: Not Applicable.
  • Standalone HEPA filter units in place: 8.

St. Martin Catholic School Ventilation Measures Report.pdf

*Some measures may not be feasible within the context of a school facility/site and related building systems.

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