Learning for All (Special Education) in Ontario
All students require support to learn and grow from their school experience. Some students have special needs that require additional support beyond those in a typical classroom setting. The Superior North Catholic District School Board supports these needs through a tiered cycle of continuous assessment and responsive intervention for academic, social and emotional needs.
Classroom teachers focus on universal design for learning and differentiated instruction to meet students' needs in an inclusive classroom setting. Special education programs and services support classroom teachers in meeting the needs of our diverse group of learners with special education needs.
Special education provides assessment, consultative programming, and direct intervention for all students. We provide opportunities for students to grow and learn in a supportive environment that recognizes individual differences and promotes the full potential of students. We do this by collaborating with the school, the home and the community.
Students with Special Education Needs
Students with special education needs are all students reported by boards as receiving special education programs and/or services, including:
- Students who have been identified as exceptional (Categories of exceptionalities include Physical, Multiple, Intellectual, Communication and Behaviour) by an Identification, Placement, and Review Committee (IPRC); required to have an Individual Education Plan (IEP) within 30 days or placement,
- Students who have not been identified by an IPRC but require an IEP, and,
- Students who are receiving special education programs and/or services even though they may not yet have an IEP.
Learning for All Programs and Services
Learning for All services are defined as facilities and resources, including support personnel and equipment, necessary for developing and implementing a special education program.
All students who are identified as exceptional are placed in age-appropriate classes with Learning for All programs and services available at each school. At each school, Learning for All teachers assess students’ learning skills, assist the classroom teachers with programming, teach individual students or small groups, and participate in the Identification, Placement and Review process.
Learning for All is specially designed to provide for the needs of all students in Ontario. The program also has the full support of the Ontario government through the Ministry of Education as they are guided by regulation. These are educational programs that are based on, and modified by, the results of continuous assessment and evaluation and includes a plan containing specific goals and an outline of educational services that meets the needs of all students.
Ministry of Education Documents
Furthermore, the ministry publishes resource and policy documents to allow school boards, teachers, support staff, students, and parents, to be informed and involved.
Special Education Documents for Our Board
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Our board also has a Special Education Advisory Committee which provides specific information, advice, and assistance to parents and guardians whose children may require additional support.