
Catholic Education Week

Catholic Education Week Logo: Pilgrims of Hope

Catholic Education Week

Catholic Education Week is held each year in May in 29 Ontario Catholic School Boards. Catholic Education Week 2025 is scheduled to take place during the week of May 4 – May 9.

Catholic Education: Pilgrims of Hope

Quote for Catholic Education Week 2025 is:

“We must fan the flame of hope that has been given to us.”(Letter on the Jubilee Year of Hope, February 11, 2022)

This year, Ontario Catholic schools will celebration Catholic Education as Pilgrims of Hope. Hope is foundational to our faith. We find hope in God's grace and love. This year's Catholic Education Week, Catholic Education: Pilgrims of Hope is inspired by the upcoming Jubilee Year.

The five sub themes for Catholic Education Week explore ways to live out Pope Francis’ call for
each one of us to be Pilgrims of Hope...

by honouring human dignity / honorent la dignité humaine (Monday)
by caring for creation / prennent soin de la création (Tuesday)
by responding to the poverties in our world / luttent contre les pauvretés (Wednesday)
by serving in solidarity / servent en solidarité (Thursday)
by living as peacemakers / vivent en artisans de paix (Friday)

This Jubilee Year provides us the opportunity to serve the common good and recommit ourselves to prayer, service, and evangelization. As Catholic school communities and individuals active in Catholic education, we are invited to prepare for this special year, and to live it with enthusiasm, creativity and generosity.

The themes for Catholic Education Week 2025 are inspired by the following considerations:

  • In February of 2022, Pope Francis announced that the theme for the upcoming 2025 holy year would be “Pilgrims of Hope.” “We must fan the flame of hope that has been given to us and help everyone to gain new strength and certainty by looking to the future with an open spirit, a trusting heart and far-sighted vision. (from Vatican News, a short video on the history of the Jubilee/Holy Year:
  • The Holy Father asks us to focus prayerfully on the bonds that unite our whole human family, to reflect on the rampant poverty in our world, and to think about the plight of the many refugees forced to leave their homes. He also summons us, as stewards of Creation, “to contemplate the beauty of creation and care for our common home.”
  • A pilgrimage is a spiritual journey of movement toward a goal, often lived together with others – and that certainly describes Catholic education. Hope – one of the three theological virtues – is grounded in our Easter faith in Jesus’ resurrection and renewal; this is what enables us to be builders, dreamers and leaders in Jesus’ name. Pope Francis invites us to keep moving ahead in faith, in joy, and in hope, as part of a pilgrim people. Even in challenging times, our eyes are focused on the future.

For more information visit

Catholic Education Week Prayer

Hope is our calling, O Lord,
and the destination of our pilgrim journeys.
As we mark this Jubilee Year of hope,
keep our eyes focussed on Jesus,
and on the hope he reveals to us.
All our hope is in you, O God,
in the name of Jesus our Lord and companion.

Amen. Blue Footer


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