

The Superior North Catholic District School Board Finance Department is responsible for managing the annual budget, purchasing, and business and corporate services. Finance also works closely with individual schools to maximize budgets and resources.

Financial Budget

At the Regular Board Meeting held on June 19, 2024, the Superior North Catholic District School Board (SNCDSB) approved the 2024-2025 Budget Estimates.

The Board’s 2024-2025 Budget Estimates outline an operating revenue estimated at $28,222,231 million and expenses estimated at $28,170,795 million, and total Capital spending in the amount of $2,792,000 from supported and unsupported funding.

The Board estimates an Average Daily Enrolment (ADE) of 713 elementary students for the 2024-2025 school year.

Funding from the Provincial Government represents 82% of budgeted revenue with another 4.3% from Municipal Governments, 11.8% from the Federal Government and 1.9% from other miscellaneous sources.

Quick Facts:

  • School boards operate on a fiscal year that runs from September 1st to August 31st.
  • Each year, the Ministry of Education provides funds to school boards through a series of grants. Visit the Ministry of Education's website for more information on education funding.
  • SNCDSB operates 9 elementary schools, currently serving over 700 students.
    The majority of the Board's funding allocation is based on student enrolment.
  • Elementary enrolments are based on Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) enrolments for October 31st and March 31st.
  • Elementary and secondary FTE enrolment values are averaged to give the annualized Average Daily Enrolment (ADE).

Rural and Northern Education Fund 2023-24

The Rural and Northern Education Fund (RNEF) Allocation is dedicated funding to further improve education for students from rural and northern communities. In 2023-24 the Superior North Catholic School Board received $79,341 from the RNEF Allocation. These funds were used in all our schools to support the costs of bandwidth as well as the high costs of operating and maintaining our schools in our northern climates.

School Tax Support

As per legislation, your school support defaults to the English Public school board. However, you may be able to change your school support. To direct your taxes to a Catholic school board, you must be Roman Catholic or your joint owner/tenant (such as Roman Catholic spouse) may designate the property's support for a Catholic school board.

You'll find information about which school board your property taxes support on your Property Assessment Notice or by visiting

As a registered Catholic school supporter, you have the opportunity to elect trustees who will represent and address your interests and concerns at the school board level and at various levels of the government.

Registering your Catholic school support ensures your school board’s assessment roll is accurate. This is important because:

  • Your school board’s assessment base is a public record of the breadth of support for Catholic schools
  • It helps track demographic trends for educational planning purposes
  • It guarantees your right to enroll your children in Catholic schools. However, we do welcome non-Catholic children to our schools. 

Benefits of changing your school support

In addition to supporting the board that best reflects your educational preferences, you will be able to vote in the next municipal election for trustees for the school board that you support.

If you do not have children registered at a Superior North Catholic District School Board school, you can still choose to support Catholic education.

The process to change your school board support

You can view and update your school support designation online via an online portal if you are a residential property owner or a tenant registered with MPAC.

To get started, select the option below that applies to you:

A guide is available to assist users with how to navigate changing their school support designation online: English | French

If you are unable to access the portal, MPAC also accepts paper applications for school support change requests. Using mail or email, please send MPAC your Application for Direction of School Support

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