The primary role of the Audit Committee is:
- To provide assurance to the Board of Trustees that the school board has the appropriate culture, personnel, policies, systems and controls in place to safeguard the school board's assets
- To accurately report financial information to internal and external users.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Accounting, financial management or other relevant business experience that would enable you to understand public sector
- Not an employee or officer of the Board or of any other board at the time of appointment
- Does not have a parent, child or spouse employed by the school board.
Selection Committee:
The Senior Business Official
The Director of Education
The Chair of the Board or a Board Member designated by the Chair
Term of Appointment
- Up to 3 years for the initial term with the possibility of reappointment afterwards
- Can resign at any time
Small Time Commitment
- Committee meets 3 times per year (June, September and November)
- Up to 2 hours in duration
- Telephone/video conferencing available
Training Provided
- Training modules available online to tell you everything you need to know about your role as an audit committee member
For more information regarding the Audit Committee contact:
George Scott
[email protected]
807-825-3209 Ext. 1007