
SNCDSB Exploring Trades and Technology with Skills Ontario

SNCDSB Exploring Trades and Technology with Skills Ontario
Posted on 05/25/2021

Superior North Catholic District School Board (SNCDSB) educators have worked tirelessly to continue to support students' exploration of career pathways. The trades and technology field has also been identified by SNCDSB students as a popular sector of interest for students in Grades 5 - 8. To support this need, Skills Ontario has been a tremendous resource to inform our students about their interests and wonderings in the areas of trades and technology.

A Grade 8 student from St. Edward School participated in the Technology Provincial Skills Ontario competition and won 1st place. Congratulations to Reagan, she worked hard and preserved through the Technology challenge. Thank you to Mrs. Murphy the classroom teacher and Ms. Hannaford the school principal who supported Reagan and arranged to have the supplies for the student to complete the challenge during the provincial lockdown. Reagan's amazing work is shown at minute 21:20 in the Skills Ontario compilation video.

Reagan Skills Ontario Technology Winner

The Grade ⅞ classroom at St. Hilary School participated in the TV & Video production provincial Skills Ontario Competition. Students were asked to create a 90 second video that shares why TV & Video Production is important during the pandemic. Two teams of two students were scored and selected based on the judging criteria to move forward to provincials.

Video highlighting SNCDSB students' creativity and understanding of the TV and Video production industry.

A Grade 8 student from St. Edward School participated in the Technology Provincial Skills Ontario competition. Thank you to Ms. Hannaford who arranged to have the supplies for the student to complete the challenge during the provincial lockdown.

Reagan's amazing work is shown at minute 21:20 in the Skills Ontario compilation video.

All SNCDSB Grade ⅞ classrooms registered for the Skills Ontario Discovery Day on May 19. Students from 8 school boards across the entire Northwest District partnered with Skills Ontario to engage in the vFairs digital conference. At this session, students were learning from industry experts who supported their pathway wonderings and questions. Students explored many opportunities available in skilled trades and technology careers.

Finally, June 16 will provide students at SNCDSB an opportunity to participate in a hands-on workshop through Skills Ontario pilot project. SNCDSB has secured 150 hands on kits for students in Grade 3 - 8 to join a live workshop to learn about the construction sector and industrial sector. Skills will be presented live to classrooms sharing more about trades and how the skills developed through the hands-on activity connect to real world career opportunities.

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